Cookie Policy


Thank you for using the RunMater Inc app. This Cookie Policy explains how we use
cookies and similar tracking technologies to enhance your experience and collect
certain information when you interact with our app. By using our app, you consent to the
use of cookies and tracking technologies as described in this policy.
If you have any questions or concerns about our use of cookies, please contact us at
[provide contact information].

Types of Cookies Used

1. Essential Cookies: These cookies are necessary for the operation of the app and
enable you to navigate and use its features. They are essential for providing towing
services and ensuring a smooth user experience. Essential cookies include session
cookies that keep you logged in during your session.
2. Functionality Cookies: Functionality cookies allow the app to remember your
preferences and provide enhanced features. For example, these cookies may
remember your preferred towing preferences, such as vehicle type or location, to
improve the efficiency of our towing services.
3. Analytics Cookies: We use analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, to collect
information about how users interact with our app. These cookies help us analyze app
usage, identify trends, and improve our services. The information collected is
anonymized and aggregated to protect your privacy.
4. Advertising Cookies: We may work with third-party advertising partners who use
cookies and similar technologies to deliver personalized advertisements to you based
on your interests and app usage. These cookies track your browsing activities across
different apps and websites to display relevant ads. You can manage your ad
preferences or opt out of targeted advertising through your device settings or app

Location Tracking

Our app may use cookies or similar tracking technologies to collect and track location
information. This information is used to provide efficient towing services, connect you
with nearby service providers, and enhance the overall user experience. We respect

Cookie Policy

your privacy, and location information is collected and processed in accordance with
applicable laws and regulations.

Third-Party Analytics

We may use third-party analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, to collect and analyze
data about app usage. These tools use cookies and similar technologies to gather
information such as the pages you visit, the features you interact with, and the time
spent on the app. The data collected is anonymized and aggregated to help us improve
our services and make informed business decisions. The data practices of these
analytics providers are governed by their respective privacy policies.

Managing Cookies

Most web browsers and mobile devices allow you to manage cookies through their
settings. You can typically accept or reject cookies or delete existing cookies. Please
note that disabling or deleting cookies may limit certain functionalities of the app.


By using the RunMater Inc app, you acknowledge that you have read and understood
this Cookie Policy and agree to the use of cookies and tracking technologies as
described herein. You have the option to manage your cookie preferences through your
browser settings or app permissions.

Changes to the Cookie Policy

We may update this Cookie Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our cookie
practices or applicable laws and regulations. We encourage you to review this policy
periodically for any updates or changes.

Contact Information

If you have any questions, concerns, or requests regarding our use of cookies, please
contact us using the following information:
[Provide contact details]